Thursday, February 5, 2015


     Hi , I guess my post are going to be 6 or more months apart!.   News update!!!  This year 2015 is Billie's 100th year birthday celebration, or Centennial year.  I must help to celebrate her birthday with a special Birthday Celebration direct to you from The Real B.H.T.

      Let me share a little Chicago musical note with you.  There will be celebrations all over the world this year celebrating Billie Holiday's 100th year and musical legacy. Just google 'Billie Holiday Tributes' and you will see women (and men)  from all parts of the world on every continent who tribute her with their musical renditions of her many compositions.  Mystically about 3 years ago I met a young lady who was putting together a musical tribute to Billie's music and she just so happens to be born on the same day that Billie Holiday died on, July 17th.  I was so taken back by this since I'm born on July 16th.  I mean how mystical does it get? We both sing Billie's music.  I made my entrance on the Chicago Jazz scene back in the early 80's, stumbling and fumbling along, getting my knocks, trying to sing on stage just for the sole purpose of singing her music.  No other songs mattered to me , no other singers mattered to me.  Back when I first started taking music lessons with Hobart James, (Hobie), I was never a good student so I didn't learn much,  it was suggested to me to listen to other singers, and not to be so ridged. Well I did. He gave me June Christie, a wonderfully clear voice, and some of Mahalia's work Duke Ellington to listen to .  I also listened to Sarah, Ella, etc. and I really couldn't see what the big deal was,   and always came back to Billie. I have since learned that any one can sing how they want to sing, the question is , will it touch some one? Is it relatable? Is it honest? Is it coming from the heart?

     The late, great, Von Freeman said in response to  listening to me sing, " energy can never be destroyed".  The late great,  Jodie Christian, said " Girl do you know how many women wish they could sing like Billie Holiday!  I learned most of my standards from listening to Billie, so of course when I heard other singers sing the same songs, especially when they sung the songs the way it was written , I was completely surprised with how she would change the whole meaning just by the way she would nuance a phase, a beat or the time, or one word, or just a slight pause.  This is what made the song her own.  My mom, r.i.p., Lillian King was a song stylist, and as a child I listened to Pearl Bailey, Doris Day ( whom I still love) and listening to Motown music got me grounded in the various styles of singing.  I always wanted to be an opera singer (sic).  Any who, I'm still stuck on Billie's music.  Now just how do I-I-I-I feel when I-I-I-I'm singing a song?  That's the question.  I can at least say that one thing Billie and I do have in common.  I can only sing what I feel.  What I do love most of all, about Billie's music, is her stark HONESTY, HER COURAGE, HER FEARLESSNESS, her purity, her compassion, and her beauty.  I only wish that I am able to convey the same honesty , courage when I sing and that I can touch someone's heart.  No frills, for my show, sorry.  No dancers, sorry, No displays.  Just honest emotion, relatedness, and love. Thanks for listening.        ( written in a hurry as it came to mind)

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